VS-ECG is open source API make users easily to fetch data from 1-lead ECG holter (VSH101) with a USB serial port dongole (VSG101). You can download the source code from link below
VS-ECG GitHub Source OR, visit https://github.com/juangjl/vs-ecg for more information.
Before you start, try to install the essential component install.
Type the instruction in the terminal to download the VS-ECG code from the github repository.
After clone the source code in your local folder you can try to enter the first example “HelloWorld”
Type “make clean” to clean the previous build
make all to start the code build
./script/run.sh will execute the program and it will show “Hello World” and the local time for you. Once Hello World shows, it means you have a correct compile and link environment is for VS-ECG.
This example is used to check if you have a compatible compile and link enviroment of VS-ECG. Next example will show how to communicate with VS Dnogle.