Please go to Apple Store , Download “VST103 Setting” tool。
Open the VST103 Setting APP (initial view) 。
Select a device, as VST103_0_***********。
Connect the VST103 device after will show the Device information
In the “Device ID” Block , click the “Read” button will display the current device parameters. Press the “write” button field changes the edit box content, and click the “write” button to change the BLE display name & Serial Number ID。
In the “BLE Advertising Time” Block , click the “Read” button will display the current device parameters. Press the “Write” button field changes the edit box content, and click the “Write” button to change the BLE Advertising continue time (Sec)。
In the “BLE Advertising Period Interval” Block , click the “Read” button will display the current device parameters. Press the “Write” button field changes the edit box content, and click the “Write” button to change the BLE Advertising period interval time (Sec)。
In the “Measurement Period Interval” Block , click the “Read” button will display the current device parameters. Press the “Write” button field changes the edit box content, and click the “Write” button to change the measurement sensor period interval time (Sec)。
In the “Temperature Offset” Block , click the “Read” button will display the current device parameters. Press the “Write” button field changes the edit box content, and click the “Write” button to change the measurement temperature + offset value。
In the “Humidity Offset” Block , click the “Read” button will display the current device parameters. Press the “Write” button field changes the edit box content, and click the “Write” button to change the measurement humidity + offset value。
In the “Update Device Firmware” Block , click the “Update” button will change to “update firmware view” 。
In the “Update Firmware view”, Make sure the selected device and update it 。