Please scan the below QR code for download “VS Check” tool from Apple Store。
Open the “VS Check” APP and click the “START”scan device
Select the device you want to connect to.
Once the device is connected, scrolling down to the bottom and clicking on the ” ” icon will open the toolbar.
In the toolbar (The blue color pattern represents the active state):
:Symbol indicates that the device is not in measurement mode.
: To put the device into measurement mode, click the button.
: Display measurement char data.
: Display measurement statistics data.
: Display historical data page.
: Display access the configuration page.
: Display location page
Clicking on the”” to access the measurement char page.
Clicking on the “” will put the VSH101 device into measurement mode.
Clicking on the “” to access the historical data page.
clinking on the “” to access the location historical data page
Clicking on the “” to access the configuration page.
In the “Device Name” block, clicking the “read” button will display the current device parameters. Pressing the “write” button will allow you to modify the content in the edit box, and clicking the “write” button will change the BLE discovering name.
Setting parameters finish, Pressing the “Reset” button will reset device。
In the “Device SSN Setting” block, clicking the “read” button will display the current device parameters. Pressing the “write” button will allow you to modify the content in the edit box, and clicking the “write” button will change the social security number of the devices.
In the “Zero Base Function” block, clicking the “read” button will display the current device parameters. Pressing the “ON” button enables you to adjust the ECG signal’s baseline around zero, while clicking the “OFF” button disables the adjustment of the ECG signal’s baseline around zero.
When the “zero base function” is turned off, the original waveform is displayed.
Configuration is complete. To test the effect, please reset the device.
When the “zero base function” is enabled, it has a suppression effect on waveform fluctuations during certain actions.
Configuration is complete. To test the effect, please reset the device.
In the “Lead-off Function” block, clicking the “read” button will display the current device parameters. Pressing the “ON” button enables Hardware lead-off detection setting, while clicking the “OFF” button disables the Hardware lead-off detection setting.
When the “lead-off function” is turned off, you can see the signal received with all the noise.
When the “lead-off function” is enabled, a flat line will be displayed when the hardware is in operation.
In the “Motion Mode” block, clicking the “read” button will display the current device parameters. Pressing the “ON” button enables motion mode for ECG Signal setting, while clicking the “OFF” button disables the motion mode for ECG signal setting.
In the “Device ID” block, click the “read” button will display the current device parameters. Press the “write” button field changes the edit box content, and click the “write” button to change the Web Server display Device ID。
In the “Device Enter Sleep Time(Min)” block, click the “read” button will display the current device parameters. Press the “write” button field changes the edit box content, and click the “write” button to change the When the device no enable beacon mode / measurement ECG wait times for setting enters sleep mode。
In the “Device Beacon Mode Function” block, clicking the “read” button will display the current device parameters. Pressing the “ON” button enables the beacon mode setting, allowing the device to advertise its information to servers or gateways. Conversely, clicking the “OFF” button disables the beacon mode setting.
In the “Charger Then Power Down Function” block, clicking the “read” button will display the current device parameters. Pressing the “ON” button enables the charger function after a delay of over 3 seconds and puts the device into sleep mode. Conversely, clicking the “OFF” button does not perform any action or disable any functionality.
When the “Charger Then Power Down Function” is turned off, after charging for a while and then unplugging, you can see that the device still remains in a connected state.
When the “Charger Then Power Down Function” is enabled, after charging for a while and then unplugging, you can see that the device is in a powered-off state.
In the “Measurement Only Function” block, clicking the “read” button will display the current device parameters. Pressing the “ON” button enables the Measurement Only setting. It checks if there is no ongoing ECG measurement, and if there isn’t, it will initiate the ECG measurement. Conversely, clicking the “OFF” button disables the Measurement Only setting, allowing for other functionalities beyond just measurement.
In the “BLE Advertising Interval (mSec)” block, clicking the “read” button will display the current device parameters. To change the initial BLE Advertising interval, modify the content in the edit box, and then click the “write” button. The interval can range from 20 milliseconds to 1 second. It increases by 100 milliseconds every five seconds, reaching a maximum interval of 1 second.
In the “Fixed BLE Advertising interval” block, clicking the “read” button will display the current device parameters. Pressing the “ON” button enables the fixed initial BLE advertising interval, which means the device will consistently use the same interval for advertising. Conversely, clicking the “OFF” button disables this setting, which is designed to save power in standby mode by allowing the device to vary its advertising interval dynamically.